Surprise – I’m having a baby!
I’m keeping this blog post short and sweet, but I am excited to share the news that we have been keeping secret for a while now. The beau and I are over the moon and beyond excited for this next chapter in our lives.
If I could sum up pregnancy so far in one word, it would be: bizarre. This is an experience unlike anything I have ever experienced before. It’s beautiful, it’s stressful, and it’s certainly unique. Pre-pregnancy, I did not realize how specific and how intense pregnancy cravings can be, but I get it now! If I don’t get my hands on a Hong Kong Disneyland Mickey Mouse soft pretzel soon, I may start screaming.
Unfortunately I have spent pretty much all of this pregnancy so far dealing with severe morning sickness, which explains my lack of appearance on here as of late. My nausea and vomiting was so severe, that even looking at a screen made me nauseous. TV made me nauseous easily too, so I took this time to read a lot of books. Argos and Luca have continuously remained by my side, with Argos refusing to leave my side whenever I needed to set up shop by the toilet. I am starting to feel a little more human these days, with the feelings of flutters and gentle kicks inside leaving a permanent smile on my face.
I do not plan to be sharing too much about my pregnancy on here, nor do I plan on sharing my baby’s name or face on social media or the blog, however over these next couple of months my bump is going to be even more visible and so I felt the time was right to share the news.
To those who have already sent me well wishes – thank you so much! It all means the world to me, the beau, and our little bean.
Congratulations Alyssa! Bringing new life to the world must be such an incredible experience. I wish you all the best!