Views From The Top of the Duomo di Milano

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I’m going to get straight to the point – did you know you can access the roof of the Duomo di Milano and get a bird’s eye view of the city from atop one of the world’s most iconic landmarks? I didn’t! Getting the chance to walk across the roof and touch centuries old stone? Yes please. I had previously been to Milan in spring of 2016, and even then I did not know this was someone one could do. The beau, who has been to Milan many times, has also never been to the top of the Duomo and did not know it was an option.

I couldn’t even begin to imagine getting to set foot on top of the world famous Duomo di Milano, so after doing some research on visiting the Duomo di Milano’s rooftop, I discovered the best time to visit was first thing in the morning before any tour groups begin their day. It’s the perfect time to feel like you have the roof to yourself, so if you’re looking to get pictures without many people in your background then prepare to be at the rooftop entrance (in the back of the cathedral) at 9 am.

Using our jet lag to our advantage once again, we woke up early to enjoy an early breakfast before making our way over to the Duomo di Milano. Milan in the early morning hours is so peaceful. On this particular morning, it was a bit cloudy, giving the city and the towering Duomo di Milano a bit of a dark and gloomy atmosphere. It felt perfect for visiting the rooftop of one of the most beautiful gothic cathedrals in the world.

You need to purchase tickets to access the rooftop, which I recommend doing online before your trip. There was a very small queue waiting to enter the elevators that would bring us all the way to the top. Once we emerged from the elevators, there were audible gasps and “oh wow” continually being heard. As I mentioned earlier, the cloudy skies and the gloominess of it all paired with the Duomo made for quite an experience. I think the cloudy skies kept many people away, which gave us a lot of peaceful moments up top.

Being one of the first to access the rooftop during the day meant it was quiet, not full of tourists, and it meant we could take our time. The Duomo di Milano is not a small cathedral, so visiting the rooftop is not something that is done fairly quickly. The rooftop terrace is the best spot in the city to take in some incredible views, where the medieval history of Milan is completely meshed with the modern vibrancy of Milan.

After spending almost an hour up top (there is no time limit but please be courteous), the tour groups began to arrive around 10 am, so we began to make our way down the steps into the Duomo di Milano itself. Going down the stairs is a bit dizzying (I suffer from Ménière’s disease so this really affected my equilibrium), but once you emerge into the cathedral you find your breath completely blown away. Keep in mind that if you plan on exploring inside the cathedral, your shoulders and knees need to be covered.

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La Ligne dress (old; similar here, here, here, and here) // Castaner wedges

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