Theory blazer (currently 40% off), Zara sweater (old, similar here), Black Orchid denim c/o (similar here), Vince boots (currently 30% off), Gucci bag
It happened again. I couldn't believe my luck. We booked our trip six days before we ended up traveling to Copenhagen, but four days later I began to develop the onset of a nasty cold virus. I was determined to not let this keep me bedridden a second time in Denmark, so we raided the pharmacy in Madrid for cold medicines prior to our flight and headed off to Copenhagen the next morning with friends.

The last time Tor and I visited Denmark was in the summer of 2014. My family has history in Denmark – my Morfar (Danish for “grandfather/mother’s father”) was born and raised in Espergærde just outside of Helsingør. He immigrated to the United States when he was a young man, but we have always remained proud of our Danish roots. The first time I traveled to Copenhagen, I was sick so I wanted a redo. I wanted to be able to walk the streets of Copenhagen and see Nyhavn in the flesh, so my husband and I made it a priority to return as soon as we could.
Theory blazer (currently 40% off), Zara sweater (old, similar here), Black Orchid denim c/o (similar here), Vince boots (currently 30% off), Gucci bag
It happened again. I couldn’t believe my luck. We booked our trip six days before we ended up traveling to Copenhagen, but four days later I began to develop the onset of a nasty cold virus. I was determined to not let this keep me bedridden a second time in Denmark, so we raided the pharmacy in Madrid for cold medicines prior to our flight and headed off to Copenhagen the next morning with friends.
I love Denmark. Maybe I am biased because my family is from there, but even my husband loves the country and, aside from me, he doesn’t have a connection to it like I do. From the food to the fashion sense to the language to even the smells (don’t laugh but the smell of dill makes me so happy), Denmark feels like home to us. While I am not fluent in Danish anymore (I used to speak it a lot more as a child), I am able to have a simple conversation (enough to impress my husband!). I am trying to relearn Danish so that way each time I visit, I will become more fluent.
Nyhavn (“New Harbor”) is like Copenhagen’s Times Square – all the tourists flock to it. While I typically like to avoid touristy spots and instead prefer to find where the locals go, I always find an excuse to walk along Nyhavn. My Morfar had so many photos of Nyhavn to show me when I was a child. As a little girl, I was in awe of all the colorful buildings along the canal. I remember telling him I was determined to see Denmark one day and Nyhavn in person.
My Morfar passed away when I was 10, but his memory still lives on especially when I visit Copenhagen. Nyhavn is full of sailboats and ships in the harbor, which remind me of my Morfar since he was a sailor and used to collect miniatures of wooden ships in his home in New Jersey. Everywhere I go in Denmark, I am reminded of my family and that is such a wonderful, cozy feeling.
Photos by Torrance Coombs.
I live in Espergærde in Denmark and it is a beautiful and little city. All people in Espergærde are happy.
I rellay like your blog, style and how you look.
If you will have help to something about Denmark, example can I try to translate something from English to Danish, or good eateries, if you come back to Danmark. BTW you have many fans in Denmark!
I could be very nice to meet you and your husband <3
I loved this story about your family history and the most beautiful pictures. It is evident that your beauty shines from the inside and out. And you have an amazing photographer (Torrance) and I might add he is an amazing actor as well. You both make a beautiful couple.
I do live in Denmark in Vejle and I’ve visit Copenhagen so many times as I remember😂
As we all know Copenhagen is one of the most beautiful city’s in Denmark and one of the big city’s though. You and and Torrance should come and visit Vejle when you come to Denmark again.❤