It’s completely mind-blowing to me that it has been 365 days since Luca came home to live with us. Most days, it feels like it has been a few years that we have been together. This little guy is so full of personality that there is just never a dull moment with him, and I’m grateful I’ve gotten to spend 12 whole months with him. He is the cuddliest, snuggliest, most opinionated, most energetic, and happiest little boy. If you aren’t already following him on Instagram, I had to create his own profile because this boy never stops smiling. What could be cuter than a silly puppy who smiles?
He also likes to play dress up, just like Mummy, so we’ve been having a lot of fun styling together over the past year. Plus, he likes the extra attention he gets when he wears something fun and couture. Seriously, how has it only been one year? At the same time, how has been already been one year? Time certainly feels different during these last two years of the pandemic.

One year ago today, I brought home my youngest fur baby – my little Luca. 48 hours earlier, I had started my day like any other until my beau told me he knew of someone’s dog who just had puppies. Little did I know that was the day I was to meet the latest addition to my large family of fur babies. I will never forget the moment I first met Luca, his birth mom, and his siblings. They were silent (Luca learned to bark thanks to Argos… not thrilled about that!), but they were very jumpy and with tails wagging a mile a minute.
I had been playing with Luca’s sister when I looked over and saw little Luca, sitting there with one paw up, patiently waiting his turn to say hello. As soon we both made eye contact with one another, I felt a ping in my heart. I looked at my beau and looked at Luca, and he knew I had found my fur baby. I picked Luca up and then never wanted to put him down. He didn’t want to be released from my arms, either. He looked at me and it immediately felt like he knew I was his Mummy. Two days later, we brought him home and I have never looked back.

Luca was adopted on a bit of a whim, but we had already been planning on finding a therapy dog for me. With my borderline personality disorder, severe depression, and anxiety, having a psychiatric service dog was something that has been encouraged for me for some time. Training takes a little while, but Luca is already extremely helpful and responsive to me whenever I have any “episodes.” Argos has also been learning from Luca (and vice versa), so it’s been great to have two fur babies help me during some really messy times.
I’m very grateful I’ve gotten to spend the past twelve months with Luca. He’s been a welcome addition to the family, and we have both really needed each other in the past year. Even now I write this post, he is curled up in my lap like a cat, occasionally grunting and stretching in his sleep. I can’t wait for what the next several years brings us and I’m excited for all the adventures we are destined to experience together.
I am still not giving up on my dream of having all four fur babies (Argos, Luca, Renly, and Dany) under one roof. I can picture it now – Luca and Dany fighting for my lap, Renly bopping Luca on the nose, and Luca trying to steal cat food. It’s a beautiful vision that I hope comes true some day.
Fur babies really are incredible. You’ll never speak the same language, but there’s a mutual true and unconditional love between you two and a bond that can’t be broken. I’m a very lucky fur mama to have felt that love with all four fur babies. When Luca looks at me, I know he loves me. And I know he feels my love in return. This has just been one year of many that we will have together, and I am looking forward to spending as much time with him as I can.
Happy Adoption Day, my little Boo Boo Bear. Mummy loves you.